150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting January 18, 2012


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on January 18, 2012 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Bettina Johnson, Carey Rogers, Jeff Litherland, and Elizabeth Blair; Manager Karel de Veer, Tim Hodgson, and seven homeowners.

1. Minutes of the December 14, 2011 meeting were approved with an amendment to the Treasurer’s Report.

2. Treasurer, Bettina Johnson, reported that actual expenses July through December 2011 are on target with budgets estimates for this time of year. Our income is at 99.5% and expenses at 82.6%. There are no new significant over budget items to report. The following accounts are under budget: 406 – Irrigation supplies 37.1%; 465- Repairs/Maintenance 54.6%; 471- Pest control 6.9%; 705- Capital Maintenance 32.7%.

3. No items to discuss.

4. Architectural change requests:
a. 67-B – Windows – approved with the provision that homeowners provide Karel with a sample of the trim that matches current exterior
b. 67-B – Front door – approved

5. Old Business:
a. Changes to SAV CC&R’s or Rules and Regulations
The Manager contacted the Association’s attorney and reported that the Board can put the changes regarding limiting rentals to more than 90 days into the Rules. The Board unanimously approved revising the Rules to include the draft that was previously created by the attorney and approved by the Board.

6. New Business:
Homeowners have expressed concerns about usage of the Rec. Room. A primary concern is that it is being used by homeowners to organize classes. After much discussion, the Board clarified the following parts of the Rules.
* Residents are entitled to reserve the Rec. Room six times a year for special events, which are events where the Resident wants exclusive use of the room during prime times (Friday nights through Sunday).
* The Rec. Room may not be used for commercial purposes, which the Board defined as not being used for profit by any person.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Blair, Board Secretary