150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting October 15, 2014


Peter Sturken called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. In attendance were Joel Ross, Secretary, Bettina Johnson, Treasurer and Lynn Nichols, Member.

Minutes were approved with change Bettina wanted in the financial report.


This report cover the first quarter of San Antonio Village’s fiscal year, and so far, so good.

Starting at the top our Income is at 99.7% of expectations.

Under Administrative expenses:
640 – Office Supplies/Postage is high due to expenses incurred from out annual meeting
665 – Legal fees shows the costs of ongoing professional consultations to up date our CC & Rs

Under Grounds/Landscaping:
401 – Grounds-Materials is tree trimming work that been planned for late Spring but ended up being accomplished early in this next fiscal year.
406 – Irrigation shows the cost of the annual/early inspection of our back-flow devices and includes some necessary repairs.

Under Maintenance:
465 – Repairs/Maintenance-Materials, costs were actually incurred by our Association wide 705 – Capital Maintenance painting project and will be moved to that category for the next report.


1) No word on dog barking. Bettina says the dog is much quieter and Karel has had no further complains.

2) Karel has spoken to Misty Williams of the Goleta Water District (Misty). We have to cut our consumption by 25%. We have already made cuts, but are cutting even more.

The District is working with all large accounts and will help us financially with the replacement of lawns with more drought resistant plantings. Financial help should be approximately $4,000-$5,000 plus funds for a consultant of approx. $500.00.

Karel agreed to bring us breakout of water use and he will do more research on our water use. He thinks about 65 gallons per person per day is typical usage.

3) We received a response to our offer of $500.00 compensation for awning that was destroyed. We tabled our decision until Dawn is available.


1) 5074 B Calle Real wants us to approval trellis in patio and arbor in front of patio gate. We tabled until next month so we could check on arbor.

2) 5072 B Call Real wants to install new windows to match exterior trim color. Okayed by Board.

The Meeting was adjourned at 7:40.

Respectfully submitted by Lynn Nichols for Joel Ross, Secretary