150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting June 17, 2015


Meeting was convened at 7PM, with Dawn Lucian, President, presiding.
Peter Sturken, V.P., Bettina Johnson, Treasurer, and Lynn Nichols, Secretary,
were in attendance.

Treasurer’s report from Bettina Johnson:

I am very pleased to report I have nothing new to report!

Our Total Income at the end of May is $598,956 is 100.6% or $3,468 over our budget projections: and our Total Expenses at $623,829 are at only $92.3%, due to lower line items described in my April report as well as several smaller items described in my May report.

We are presently $26,285 under our expected Capital Project deficit of $51,158 which will increase slightly again at the end of June as Maintenance 451 funding are applied to the final costs of our expanded residential trim and carport maintenance and painting Capital project.

Many thanks as usual to Manager de Veer and Supervisor Hodgson for another highly productive and money saving year.

NEW BUSINESS: the owner of Unit 3B was there to discuss raising her fence for privacy issues. The bus stop on North San Marcos Road is outside her fence. We had already discussed at the last meeting Unit A1’s request to raise her fence. There was discussion then about perimeter fences vs. unit fences.

Ultimately it was decided that the Unit 3B owner was to discuss with Unit 1A owner how high they wanted the fence to be and to reach agreement. Then we would consider the issue again at the July meeting. The general parameters were that the fence extensions should not be higher than the existing hedges, and that the unit owners were to bear the expense of raising the fences.

The League of Women Voters ballot counters reported to the Meeting that the proposed changes in the C, C and R’s had been approved by the required 75% of owners and we could proceed with those changes.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols, Secretary