150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, March 20, 2019


MONTHLY MEETING FOR MARCH 20, 2019 Dawn Lucian (President), Lynn Nichols (Vice President), Mike Porter (Secretary) and Chad Lindblad (Member at Large) were in attendance. Manager Karel de Veer and five homeowners were also in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.

1) The minutes from the February 13, 2019 meeting were approved.

2) Financial Report: At the end of February 2019 our total income is $487,095 or 99.3% of our 2018-19 budget projection. Our total expenses are $459,230 or 92.5%. Our other/rental income is $24,000 or 100%. Pest Control is over budget. Gas is under budget. Gas costs will increase as the pool is now being heated. A letter will be sent from the Association to the Goleta Water District requesting that the water surcharge be lifted.

3) Several residents contacted Manager Karel de Veer with concerns regarding chalk on the asphalt driveways and concrete sidewalks. The board agreed after discussion to institute a new rule to allow chalk only in front of your unit and not anywhere else of the concrete sidewalks. Chalk will not be allowed anywhere on the asphalt driveways.

4) The Board agreed to allow new front lights with an architectural change form. The board at the April meeting with discuss light requirements and consider the selection limitation. A suggestion was made after the meeting that the board select four light models that would fit with the architecture. Owners who wanted to make a change could select one of the four choices and those who did not want to make a change would not have to.

5) Manager Karel de Veer presented a preliminary July 2019 – June 2020 budget. The board discussed a one-year budget plan instead of a three-year budget plan due to unknow variables with future insurance rates and water rates. The budget for the next fiscal year needs to be finalized no later than the end of May. The Reserve Study was also reviewed.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

Submitted by Mike Porter, Secretary