150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, October 19, 2022

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting of October 19, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00PM. Other Board Members present were Diane Kirchner, Ken Masuda, and Cindy Capra. Also present were Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 7 homeowners.

1. The Board approved (Diane Kirchner/Ken Masuda) the minutes of the July 15, 2022 meeting.

2. Manager’s Report.
• Manager Ortiz reported that someone has been dumping a cleaning product into a storm drain in one cul-de-sac. The drain has been cleaned out but the culprit has not been identified. He also noted that a pepper tree and some shrubs near the same cul-de-sac had died recently.
• He indicated that pool surface and deck restoration projects would occur in early November. Also, an asphalt replacement project in the cul-de-sac next to the Recreation Center will also occur in November. Both projects will be funded from SAV reserves.

3. Following discussion it was moved and seconded (Dawn Lucian/Diane Kirchner) to postpone the election of Board Officers until the November meeting. All current Board Officers will retain their current positions until the next meeting.

4. Swimming Pool Discussion
• Pool Behavior. Manager Ortiz read a letter from a homeowner expressing concern about the behavior of certain individuals in and around the pool. Following discussion it was decided that the next time a serious incident occurs the Board, through the manager, would send a letter to the offending parties based on video evidence and ask them to attend a Board hearing where they would face possible fines and/or loss of Recreation Center, including pool, privileges.
• Pool Heating Schedule. Following discussion and homeowner input, it was the sense of the Board that the pool would be heated on or around May 1 to September 30, however, heating could start earlier or later, or end earlier or later, depending on the weather.
• Pool Temperature. The Board agreed to keep the pool water temperature at 82 degrees, when heated.

5. Architectural Change Request for 65A: The Board approved (Dawn Lucian/Diane Kirchner) an architectural change request to add a skylight to the Owners’ unit.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 pm.
Submitted by Ken Masuda, Secretary