150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Nov. 17, 2008


The November 17, 2008 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners Association was called to
order at 8:00pm.  Present were Board President Dawn Lucian and Board members Peter Sturken,
Bettina Johnson and Pat Snyder. SAV Manager, Karel de Veer; was also present

The minutes for the meeting of October 8, 2008, were read and approved.

The manager reported that a “new” van had been purchased to replace the 20-year-old vehicle.
The manager also noted that the average association fees in SB County had risen to $356 per

The Board received two requests for architectural changes. Marilyn Kimbrell at 47-A north
San Marcos Rd. requested that she be allowed to replace the windows in her unit with double
–pane windows with sand colored vinyl frames. Carol Leidner of 5138-A Calle Real requested
permission to change the color of her screen door to match the trim color of her unit. The Board
approved both requests.

The manager reported that from the original list of 46 brown screen doors, 18 remained to be
updated. Many of the owners have ordered new doors and those will be changed out within the
next thirty days.

The manager reported on the cost of replacing the flooring in the rec room. New carpeting
would cost about $4250, while new vinyl flooring would cost approximately $10,000. More
research will be done.

The Board discussed alternate treatment planes for termite eradication. The majority of the
Board believes that tenting remains the most effective and practical option for the duplexes in the

The SAV Holiday Party will be held on Wednesday, December 13th in the clubhouse.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bettina Johnson
For Carey Rogers, Board Secretary