150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Dec. 17, 2008


The December 17, 2008 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to
order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Pat
Snyder, Bettina Johnson and Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel de Veer and Tim Hodgson.

The minutes for the meeting of November 17, 2008, were approved.

Pat Snyder presented the Financial Report for July to November 2008.  We are below budget for
spending and our revenues are at 99.3%. Cost of pest control is running over budget but should
even out by the end of the year.  The pool inspection was completed by the County.  Our Merrill
Lynch investment account has held steady even with the market volatility.

The Board discussed and approved bonuses for the painter and two gardeners totaling $500. The
checks will be presented to them by Karel before Christmas. The Board also approved dinner for
Karel and Tim and their families at a restaurant of their choice as their bonus.

Karel reported that he has been advised a new federal law will take effect on January 1st
requiring all commercial pools to have automatic shut-off switches for the suction on the drains.
It will cost between $5-6000 for these improvements to all three pools and we don’t have it
budgeted.  This law was not well publicized and many associations have been caught unaware.

We have received two bids for upgrading the floors in the recreation room.  To change all the
flooring to laminate would cost over $15,000. The low bid for replacing the carpet alone is
$4,200 and the existing vinyl floor could be cleaned. Karel, Carey & Dawn volunteered to be a
committee and look at new furniture after the holidays are over. The new carpet will be
coordinated with the new furniture.

Calle Real landscaping continues to be a problem. A suggestion was made to replace the
diseased shrubs with bougainvillea or some other type of flowering bush that would eventually
cover the fences.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary