150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Sept. 16, 2009


Board President, Dawn Lucian, called the September 16, 2009 meeting of
the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association to order at 7:30pm.  Present
were Board Members Peter Sturken, Bettina Johnson and Carey Rogers;
SAV Manager, Karel de Veer; and several homeowners.  Board Member
Patricia Snyder arrived later.

The following candidates were presented for election to the Board of
Bettina Johnson, Dawn Lucian, Lynn Nichols, Carey Rogers, Peter Sturken.
Lynn Nichols spoke for a few minutes on her desire to serve as a director.

The candidates were elected unanimously by a quorum of homeowners
represented by proxies and in person.

Manager Karel de Veer presented the year-end financial report. Copies of
the Financial Report prepared by CPA Mike Gartzke were distributed. The
manager presented an overview of the report and answered questions
from the members. The painting project was completed on budget even
though we had to replace a lot of wood due to damage from rot that was
not expected. Our maintenance budget was about 5% over; however,
that was mostly due to the required repairs made to the swimming pools
& spa drains because of Federal regulations that became effective after
we had set up our budget.

President Dawn Lucian gave the year-end SAV report. She reported on
the capital maintenance projects completed during the past year:

1. Completed project to paint the trim and stucco on all SAV units. As part
of this project, wood fascia and trim was being replaced as necessary.
There are few units that have small jobs remaining. It will be taken care
as part of normal maintenance.
2. New asphalt in Sections II & III.
3. Slurry-sealed all sections
4. Purchased new pool furniture – tables, chairs and umbrellas
5. Upgraded safety equipment on pool
6. Installed dual drains in spa and resurfaced spa.
7. Purchased new furniture for rec room
8. Installed new carpet in rec room.

Dawn also highlighted some other items:

# Association fee remains over at $300, far below the countywide mean
of $386 per month.

# San Antonio Village has very low per-unit maintenance costs because
much of work is done “in house”. Dawn thanked Tim Hodgson for his hard

# Dawn also thanked out-going Board Member Pat Snyder for serving on
the Board for the past twelve years.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary