150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Feb. 17, 2010


The February 17, 2010 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners Association was called to order at
7:30pm by President Dawn Lucian.  Present were Board Members Bettina Johnson and Carey Rogers;
SAV Manager, Karel de Veer, Tim Hodgson and one homeowner.

1. The minutes for the meeting of January 20, 2010,were approved.

2. Manager Karel de Veer gave the financial report for January 2010 and year to date.  For January, our
budgeted income is at 100% and budgeted expenses are at 80.5%. For year to date, our income is at
100.4% and expenses are at 96.5%.

The new annual budget will be presented to the board at the next meeting on March 17th.

3. There were no items to discuss in this category.

4. We received a request from Unit 47A to install three whirlybirds in the living room ceiling. After
discussion, it was decided to table the request so Karel and Dawn can talk to the homeowner about the
effectiveness of these devices.

5.  No new business.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary