150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting May 19, 2010


Vice President Peter Sturken called the May 19, 2010 meeting of the San Antonio Village
Owners Association to order at 7:30pm. Present were Board Members Bettina Johnson, Lynn
Nichols and Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel de Veer; Tim Hodgson; and three homeowners.

1.The minutes for the meeting of April 21, 2010,were approved.

President Dawn Lucian arrived at 7:40pm.

2. Treasurer Lynn Nichols gave the financial report for April 2010 and year to date.  Our
expenditures for pest control are substantially higher that budgeted for this month, however we
are making progress on getting rid of the white flies, etc. The cost will fall more in line as these
are controlled.

For April our budgeted income is at 100.2% and our budgeted expenses are at 103.2%. For year
to date our income is at 100.4% and expenses are at 100.3%.

3. There were no items to discuss in this category.

4. Architectural Change Requests:

A.  Unit 33B requested removing their entire patio fence.  All previous requests for fence
removal have been just for the back fence, not the sides.  The request was modified to remove
just the back fence and approved by the Board.

B.  Unit 5058B requested removing the large tree on the left side of their building next to the
patio area. Since the tree is not diseased or a fire hazard, the Board denied the request.

C. While not technically an architectural change request, Units 5048A & B asked that we ban the
use of gas blowers by our gardeners.  Karel had research that indicated our labor costs could
increase by approximately $10,500 a year if we stopped using the blowers and went back to just
sweeping plant debris.
The Board denied the request.

No new business.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary