150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Sep. 15, 2010


The Annual Meeting held on September 15, 2010 meeting of the San Antonio Village
Owners Association was called to order at 7:30pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were
Board Members Peter Sturken, Bettina Johnson, Lynn Nichols and Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel
de Veer; and fifteen homeowners.

Each board member was introduced and gave a brief biography of his/her experience
and qualifications for election to the Board of Directors.

No other candidates were presented.  All five incumbents were reelected for a one-
year term.  The officers will be selected by the Board at next month’s meeting.

President Dawn Lucian gave a report for the last fiscal year.  We completed a
three-year rehabilitation project on all the units; installed back flow devices on our water
meters per the requirements of the Goleta Water District; replaced the pool drains per state
regulations; replaced the solar panels for the spa and reroofed our manager’s unit during the process. We also removed a substantial amount of our hedges because of pest infestation and landscaped those
areas with more resistant plants.

We are in a very strong position financially even with spending over $400,000 in the past few years
on repairs and unbudgeted items.

In response to a homeowner’s question, Karel advised that our association has had
only one foreclosure during the past three years and a loss of funds due to the auction of
the unit. New owners now occupy the unit and they are paying the monthly fees in full and on time.

Our web site will be updated soon with more current information.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary