150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Nov. 17, 2010


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on November 17, 2010 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners Association was called to order at 7:30pmby Vice President Peter Sturken. Present were Bettina Johnson, Lynn Nichols, Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel de Veer; Jeff Litherland; and four homeowners.

1. Minutes of October 20, 2010 were approved.

2. Karel De Veer gave the financial report. Our year to date income is at 100.2% and expenses are at 96.2%. Overall, we should be on budget for the fiscal year.

3. No items to discuss.

4. Architectural change request for replacing a fixed skylight in the bath at 57B with an operating skylight was approved.

5. After much discussion regarding storage of bicycles, including the method used at 69B, the Board decided that hanging bicycles on hooks, either at the top of the carports or in the storage area, is not acceptable. Motion to only allow bicycles to be kept in the lower storage area or open alcove of a unit assigned carport was made and passed by the Board.

a. The homeowner at 5080A Calle Real had started construction of a storage shed that is 6’4″ tall and protrudes above the existing 5’6″ fence. This is not allowed per the Association CC&Rs. The homeowner was present and has agreed to lower the shed below the fence so it cannot be seen.
b. Our Holiday Party has been scheduled for December 15th and since that is the date of our monthly meeting, the meeting has been changed to December 14th with approval of the Board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary