150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Oct. 20, 2010


The Annual Meeting held on October 20, 2010 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners Association was called to order at 7:30pm by Vice President Peter Sturken. Present were Bettina Johnson, Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel de Veer; Tim Hodgson and four homeowners.

1. Minutes of September 15th meeting were approved.

2. Karel De Veer gave the financial report. Pest control may run over budget for the year because we are experiencing more termite infestations than in the past, requiring more tenting and treatment. Our annual budget is $12,600 and we are already $1,363 over for the last three months.

3. No items to discuss.

4. Architectural change request for new windows in 31A was approved.

5. We reviewed the policy regarding hanging and storing bicycles in the carports. 69B has a unique method and the board members and manager will look at it before the next meeting when we will review the policy again.

a. Our SAV website has been updated and it can be reviewed at SAVillage.com.
b. Our office computer is becoming dysfunctional and needs replacing. Motion made and approved to purchase a new laptop for the office.
c. No action taken on the noise complaint from 51A.
d. Motion made and approved to instruct our attorney to send a letter to the delinquent owner to bring the dues current by January 1st.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary