150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Dec. 14, 2010


The monthly meeting for December 14, 2010 of the San Antonio Village Owners Association was called to order at 7:35pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Peter Sturken, Bettina Johnson, Lynn Nichols and Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel de Veer; Tim Hodgson, five homeowners and our webmaster, Jeff Litherland.

The Board conducted its election of officers for the new term: President, Dawn Lucian; Vice-President, Peter Sturken; Treasurer, Lynn Nichols; Secretary, Carey Rogers, Bettina Johnson, Member At Large.

1. The minutes of our November 17th meeting were approved.

Treasurer Lynn Nichols presented our financial report. Our income for the month of November was 99.7% of budget and our expenses were at 75.5% of budget. Our income year-to date is 100.1% of budget and our expenses are 92.6% of budget. We received a Federal tax refund of $2,349.00 that accounts for the drop in our budgeted expenses.

No items to discuss.

Architectural change request for new windows to be installed by Bella View Windows at 69B N. San Marcos was approved. Architectural change request for a black iron railing on the front steps to be installed by Chapala Iron Works at 5110B Calle Real was approved.

Vida Zimmerman from 69B appealed the ruling made last month by the Board to discontinue all hooks for bicycles in carports. A motion was made to modify the rule to allow bikes to be placed on hooks in the storage area with the rear wheels on the ground. The owner must obtain permission from the adjoining homeowner, submit an architectural change request, and sign an indemnification agreement with San Antonio Village. Motion passed.

6. The Board approved bonuses for the gardeners at $200 each and a $300 bonus for Tim Hodgson.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary