150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Feb. 12, 2011


The Homeowner’s Association Board meeting held on February 16, 2011 was called to order at 7:30p.m. by Vice-President Peter Sturken. Present were Board Members Lynn Nichols, Bettina Johnson, SAV Manager Karel de Veer and three homeowners.

1. Minutes of the January 12, 2011 meeting were approved.

2. Manager de Veer reported the SAV finances in line or below our spending plan.
# He also reported the pool deck is being refurbished including repairs to the concrete and slurry protection and that the spa heater has been replaced. Both items were budgeted for.
# Manager de Veer also observed that after several months of using the new more accurate water meters, actual water usage has dropped.

3. There were no other assessment, income, expenses, budget, maintenance or SAV repair items to discuss.

4. The were no architectural requests to consider.

5. Old business: The one homeowner who was up to four months behind in paying our monthly assessment fee, is now making regular monthly payments and is only one month behind.

6. There was no new business.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted for the Secretary,

Bettina Johnson, Board Member