150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting July 20, 2011


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on July 20, 2011 meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Peter Sturken, Lynn Nichols, and Carey Rogers; Manager Karel De Veer and four homeowners.

1. Minutes of the June 20, 2011 meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer Lynn Nichols gave the financial report. For July 2010 through June 2011, our income is at 100.2% and total expense is at 96.1%. We are over budget for a few items, however the federal and state tax refunds we received lowered our expenses to below budget for the year to date.

3. There was a situation at the pool over the weekend that caused concern with some homeowners. A “pool party” was advertised with a sign on San Marcos Road and in front of the recreation room gate. Karel will send a letter to the tenant who sponsored the party and the homeowner of his unit explaining the pool rules. We will also redistribute the pool rules to all

4. No change requests were received for this meeting.

5. MarBorg has advised Karel that if some residents want twice a week trash removal, it will have to be approved by the Board. We want to cut down on the truck traffic because of the damage to our roads, so we will try to keep the removal to once a week and encourage residents to use the free recycling service provided by MarBorg.

6. After discussion of conversion lawn areas to California native plants which are drought resistant, it was decided that Karel will solicit bids on the lawns in Section 3 to start the process.

Motion to cancel the August meeting of the Board was passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary