150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting October 16, 2013

The Homeowners Association Meeting held on October 16, 2013 meeting was 
called to order at 7:00pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board 
Members Jeff Litherland, Lynn Nichols, Joel Naftali, the manager Karel deVeer 
and two homeowners.
1. Minutes of the September, 2013 meeting were approved.
2. The manager, Karel deVeer, presented the financial report. The new fiscal year 
is proceeding smoothly, with the exception of the June water bill. Goleta Water 
assessed SAV at a usage far above the historical norm. Karel is speaking with 
Misty Johnson of Goleta Water, and will contact the residents of the units in 
question to try to determine the cause of the high use reading. The board did not 
authorize payment of the June bill.
3. Four architectural change requests were received for this meeting.
11-A, replace windows – approved
35-B, replace front door – approved
61-B, replace windows – tentative approval, pending Karel’s 
d) 67-A, install entrance railing – tentative approval, Karel to ensure that 
railing is painted same color as trim
4. No Old Business
5. New Business
a) The board does not believe that a No Trespassing sign is worth the expense at 
this time.
b) The board enacted a change to the Pool & Spa Rules. Henceforth, rule #4 
The use of the pool is expressly limited to unit 
owners/residents and their invited guests. 
Guests must be accompanied by a resident at 
all times. Each unit is allowed up to four guests 
with an accompanying adult resident (18 years 
or older). A teenaged (13-17) resident is 
allowed only one guest. Each unit is allowed a 
maximum of four guests at one time.
The Board decided to review all Pool and Spa Rules at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm
Submitted y Joel Ross