150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting February 19, 2014


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on February 19, 2014, was called to order at 7:00pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board

Members Jeff Litherland, Vice President, Lynn Nichols, Member, Joel Naftali, Secretary, Bettina Johnson, Treasurer, and the manager Karel DeVeer.

1) MINUTES of the January 15, 2014 meeting were accepted and approved.

2) FINANCIAL REPORT SUBMITTED BY Bettina Johnson, treasurer:

We are in our usual good shape and things are progressing fine.


The owner of 15 A Calle Real wants to replace and raise the fence behind her unit and she also wants to add a shed. The Board decided not to allow raising/replacing the fence. However, if she could disguise the shed with hedges with non-intrusive roots before building the shed, we would allow the shed. Dawn moved that if she wants the shed, she needs to fully conceal shed with non-invasive plants which are mature so we never see the shed. Bettina seconds the motion and the board approves.



The painting project will begin in the spring–Tim has located the painters. The project will start in Section 3. They will power wash, inspect, do any wood work required, and then paint. The project will take about a year or so. Owners will be notified when the work is to begin in their area.

The heater for the pool will be turned on in March. There was some discussion of lengthening the period of heating the pool, because of the unseasonably hot weather this winter, but no decision was made.


We discussed our high claims for the last 3 years which has increased our premium. Paul Cashman, with State Farm was able to work a deduction by restructuring our liability. Earthquake insurers are leaving Santa Barbara so we are lucky to have State Farm earthquake coverage.

C, C & R’s:

Karel thinks we should revisit our CC&Rs, as we are currently paying out on claims that we shouldn’t have to because of provisions in the CC&Rs. There is a clause in the CC&Rs, Paragraph 602, which requires the Association to maintain a master/blanket policy of fire insurance to fully cover the cost of the replacement of the improvements. The CC&Rs were established in 1974, revised in the 90’s. Karel says it would cost about $5,000.00 to revise and update the CC&Rs. We agreed to continue to discuss this revision.

We decided to skip the March meeting as some members would be unable to attend. The next meeting will be April 16, 2014 at 7:00 P. M.

The Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P. M.

Submitted by
Lynn Nichols for Joel Naftali, Secretary