150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting April 16, 2014


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on APRIL 16, 2014, was called to order at 7:00pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Lynn Nichols, Member, Joel Naftali, Secretary, Bettina Johnson, Treasurer and the manager Karel DeVeer.

1) MINUTES of the FEBRUARY 19, 2014 meeting were accepted and approved.

2) TREASURERS REPORT submitted by Bettina Johnson:

I highly commend Manager Karel de Veer and Tim Hodgson for their expertise in staying current and often ahead of San Antonio Villages administrative and facilities management needs as evidenced by our excellent current financial statements: this gives me as Treasurer, Board Member, and Owner increased confidence in them and considerable peace of mind.

I further feel their experienced and conscientious efforts result in beneficial relationships with our many vendors. For example, when we recently put our Association-wide painting project out to bid, our long time paint supplier Dunn-Edwards came in with a surprising price of $23. which is below 50% of their $48? per gallon price resulting in a stunning $17,500 savings on top of what we will save with the temporary employee crew we will hire for this 18 month project.

My report covers three quarters of San Antonio Villages fiscal year, from July 1, 2013 thru March 30. Our Total Income of $485,967 is 99.6% of our expectations; Total Expenses of $367,112 are at 90.8%, so our present Net Income stands at $118,855 or 142.4%, i.e. $35,376 over budget!

Under Administrative expenses our 611 Workers Comp Insurance is a high 109% because even though we have had no recent claims, the rate has increased.

Under Grounds/Landscaping our 401 Grounds-Materials is a low 57.6% because these are seasonal costs that will go up this Spring.

Under Maintenance our 465 Repairs/Maintenance-Material is a low 47.6% because although the budget figure is based on about 10 years of historical data, this item is subject to unforeseen circumstances.

Finally, under Utilities you can see from the March 2014 statement we have almost caught up with our water bill and just paid $20,265 for three months leaving us a normal 1 month behind. Since we had already been in a drought for two years, our water bill is high but easily estimated. The contested and we believe inaccurate over-billing from the District remains outstanding and unresolved; however we are holding $5,000.00 pending its resolution.

Although our current Net Income is $35,376 greater than budget, seasonal expenditures will bring this down, but we are right on target for a budgeted contribution of about $110,000 to our Capital Fund.


4) OLD BUSINESS: As Bettina detailed we have received a great bid for materials for trim painting. The project should start in early May in Section III. The repair/painting will also include carport ceilings and may also include some of the trash storage doors.

Karel will check the by-laws on the website to make sure they include the recently passed pool rule changes.

We agree that information about pending listings in San Antonio Village could be listed on our website, as there have been many requests for information.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P. M.

Submitted by
Lynn Nichols for Joel Naftali, Secretary