150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting May 21, 2014


The Home Owners’ Association meeting was called to order by Joel Naftali, Secretary, at 7:00 P.M. Attending were: Joel Naftali, Bettina Johnson, Treasurer, Lynn Nichols, member, and Peter Sturken, Vice-President. The manager, Karel de Veer, was also present.

1) MINUTES of the April 16, 2014 meeting were accepted and approved.

2) TREASURER’S REPORT: Bettina Johnson reported that we continued to be on budget this month and had nothing additional to report.

3) It was announce that Jeff Litherand had resigned from the Board because of increasing job responsibilities. We all appreciate Jeff’s work on the Board during his term, including his computer help and expertise. Peter Sturken, former Vice-President and Board Member has agreed to serve. The Board voted to appoint him to the Board as Vice-President.



A. Karel reported that the repair and painting of trim on the units and carports in Section 3 was on schedule and right on budget. Five units have been completed with six to go. We are working at getting an additional painter.

B. One of our landscapers is out on workman’s compensation following surgery for an injury he sustained while working here. We have been replacing him on a part time basis with day laborers whom we pay cash. They are not on payroll.

6) NEW BUSINESS: REVIEW OF C, C & R’S (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions)

Karel had informed us that some of the provisions of our C, C & R’s were in need of review, and probably amendment, because of new California State laws (David Stirling Act of 2014) regarding Associations.

Karel had our attorney James H. Smith review our C, C and R’s. In his E-mail of May 12, 2014, which the Board had copies of, he suggested only making changes of provisions which pose a concern and/or compromise the interests of the Association.

Pursuant to this he suggested changes in the following areas of the C, C & R’s:

A. Repair following Damage or Destruction of Residential Unit
B. Occupancy Load Restrictions
C. Signs (no changes suggested)
D. Maintenance and Repair, Common Area/Facilities
E. Maintenance and Repair, Residential Units
F. Assessments
G. Liens
H. Insurance
I. Lender Guidelines

Since the Board had had copies of this E-Mail to review, there was limited discussion on the items above as we agreed with the changes he had suggested based on our independent review. Therefore, the Board voted to approve and authorize James Smith to submit a draft of the changes to the C, C & R’s as itemized above, with the exception of item H (Insurance. When we receive the changes from Smith we will review and approve them at that time.

As to Item H (Insurance): The Board wants to obtain more information about our choices on insurance coverage before authorizing any changes. We have been discussing insurance on an on-going basis regarding our large payouts on claims during the last two years because of the way the policies are written with coverage for areas we are not responsible for. After the completion and drafting of these Amendments to the C, C & R’s, they will be submitted to all owners of San Antonio Village units for approval before they are put into effect.

Adjourned: 7:45 P.M.

Submitted by: Lynn Nichols
for Joel Naftali, Secretary