150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting June 18, 2014


The meeting was called to order at 7PM by President: Dawn Lucian. All Board members were in attendance: Peter Sturken, VP, Bettina Johnson, Treasurer, Joel Naftali, Secretary, and Lynn Nichols, member.

1) The Minutes of May 21, 2014 Meeting were accepted and approved.

2) Bettina presented the Treasurer’s Report:

Bettina Johnson was delighted to report that at 11 months into the SAV fiscal year we are in excellent shape. Our income of $595,130 is at 99.8% of expected revenue, and our expenses of $466,435 at only 91.3% of budgeted expenditures.

Some of the present under budget figure of $43,048 will be spent down in the next month, and more will be carried over, but it is expected we will significantly exceed our projected deposit of about $28,670 to our Capital Fund. Hooray!!!

Administrative expenses:
601 – Employee Benefits will be further spent down because payments are made periodically
611 – Worker•s Comp is high due to an employee injury
610 – General Liability is low because we got a rebate due to a previous overcharge

Capital Fund:
705 – Capital Maintenance will be both spent down and carried over for our long term trim and parking structures repair and painting project

401 – Grounds -Materials will be spent down by a lot of tree trimming scheduled for next week
405 – Employee benefits will be partly spent down by periodic payments

465 – Repairs/Maintenance Materials funds are being used with 705 project funds and will be both spent down as well as carried over.
471 – Pest Control will be mostly carried over as these expenditures are difficult to predict

501 – Electricity like several other categories, projections are based on previous years usage, but their actual usage is impossible to predict.

The SAV Board very heartily thanks Manager de Veer and Supervisor Hodgson and their staff for their considerable efforts in keeping the SAV Owner•s Association in such excellent condition both in terms of our physical plant and especially financially.


a) The Board authorized Unit 5092 B Calle Real to install doors on carport storage area consistent with all the other units.

b) 51 A N. San Marcos–wants to build storage area on patio; patio goes off side of unit. The Board decided to table until Jan Winter, neighbor affected by this storage shed, can be consulted.


a) Paint budget is going well; and the work is proceeding well; still looking for additional painter. Although trash storage doors were not capitalized we decided to paint them as well as the inside of the carports at the same time. We have the funds in maintenance to complete that work. Turning out to be a big job, including the undersides of the roofs in carports which had not been painted for 15 years.

b) item H, insurance and CC&Rs. State Farm, Farmers and broker are looking at our policy–their attorney is looking at it to suggest ways to lower our liability. Other companies will write the way we want it, but we would loose earthquake coverage from State Farm; and broker and Farmer’s earthquake are outrageously expensive. Hopefully, at July meeting we will have State Farm insurance info by then. Then we can have revised CC&Rs and have them available.

c) Short term rentals–shall we try to limit them, could we get support? Karel will
check with attorney to see if we can include this change with the others we are
revising. Karel will authorize Jim Smith to include in amended CC&Rs


a) Complaint from Cesar Estrada regarding personal property loss of awnings caused
by the Association. The Board authorized Karel to make a settlement offer.

b) Noise issue regarding barking dog. The Masudas of 31A N. San Marcos came to complain about extremely loud dog barking from large dog on patio of 5048 A Calle Real. They brought a diary of incidents of barking from April to June as well as a tape recording of the dog barking. The Masudas say there has been no attempt they can find to silence the dog.

After a lot of discussion the Board assured the Masudas we will take care of the problem. The first step will be a meeting with the dog owner by Karel and members of the Board to discuss the problem, and find solutions for the problem.

c) Removal of Trees. Several trees on the Association grounds are creating drainage problems with their root systems. The Tipu trees are also causing problems with insect droppings. And the Jacaranda tree roots at 33 A N. San Marcos, have caused drainage problems Karel asked for the Board’s permission to remove those trees deemed a hazard. The request was approved with appropriate concern for the loss of these trees which have provided beauty, color and shade for us all.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols
for Joel Naftali, Secretary