150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting July 16, 2014


Meeting called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7PM. In attendance were: Dawn Lucian, President; Bettina Johnson, Treasurer, Joel Naftali, Secretary, and Lynn Nichols, Member at large

1) The financial report from Bettina: Year to date is on budget.

2) Architectural changes:

3A N. San Marcos request to replace 5 windows with new ones from Home Depot, Windows will conform to other units in the complex. Approved by Board

5090-A Calle Real request to replace new front door and screen. Approved by Board.
Tim will talk to them about style and material.

5122-A Requests permission to take down fence. Approved, but she has to take responsibility for putting it back up at time of sale unless buyer’s signs off on it. She is also to put in 4 foot hedge to cover debris and storage.

51 A N. San Marcos request for storage unit on patio tabled until more information is available about roofing of the unit.

3) Old Business:

Barking dog noise issue at 5048 A Calle Real: Still working with owner and neighbors to resolve problem. Met with owner which left us feeling she will correct problem. Barking seems to occur only when dog is outside during music lessons. Karel will write her a letter and continue working with her on the problem.

4) New Business:

Peter Sturken, V. P. is approved as an authorized signer on behalf of the Association, including for banking purposes.

5) The Board agreed not to meet in August. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols
for Joel Naftali, Secretary