150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting December 17, 2014


1) Dawn Lucian called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. In attendance were Board members Bettina Johnson and Peter Sturken.

2) The November minutes were approved.

3) Bettina Johnson gave the following financial report:

My usual reports for October and November explained budget items above or below projections based on our three year operating plan.

This month I will address the funding of our present multiyear Capital Maintenance Project: the repair, and painting of 76 Village duplexes and the administrative/recreation building.

The painting project was originally estimated at $90,890 in expenditures spreading over three fiscal years starting in the spring of 2013 with an estimated project completion in the spring of 2015. When the project began in June of 2014, the Association was able to hire of a crew of highly-skilled painters at a very favorable rate. The expanded crew of painters produced an excellent quality of work on a schedule that proceeded much more quickly than anticipated despite an expanded scope of work and substantial time spent replacing and repairing damaged wood surfaces on buildings and carports. To take full advantage of the favorable situation, some maintenance that is normally done on an as needed basis was included in the capital project.

Thus our financial statement in October showed us at 129% or $18,617 over our 705 – Capital Maintenance budget. Now at the end of November you can see our income has begun to “catch up” with the excellent pace of project accomplishment and is down to 104% or $4,222 over budget.

Our bottom line i.e. net income presently still reflects the rapid pace of spending with our balance going down from 142% to 78% but will level off as our income continues to “catch up”.


The Board approved an architectural change request from the owners of 5060-B Calle Real to install a hand rail on the steps leading to his entry door.

The Board did not approve a request from the owners of 5074-B to install arbor in their patio that extended above the fence line.


The Board took under consideration a request from Caesar Estrada, (31-A N. San Marcos Rd) for additional reimbursement above the $500 payment the Board had offered as compensation for the disposal of Mr. Estrada’s awning.

The awning had been stored on the side of Mr. Estrada’s unit without the authorization of the Association. Based on this fact, the Board declined to offer any additional reimbursement.


The Board authorized a $300 bonus for each of the gardeners.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.

Submitted by Karel de Veer, Manager