150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting January 21, 2015


1) Dawn Lucian called the meeting to order at 7:10PM. In attendance were: Dawn Lucian, president; Peter Sturken, vice-president; and Lynn Nichols, secretary.

2) The December 17, 2015 minutes were approved.

3) The manager gave the Financial Report:

Overall Association year to date operational expenses are slightly below projections. The capital maintenance painting project is running about 20% over budget because it was decided to expand the scope of the work once the project was underway.

With the additional work, the cost of the project will total $120,000.00, which is about $20,000.00 over the $100,000.00 budgeted. The additional expense will be reduce operational expenses over time because we won’t have to do the additional work on the carports in the future.

4) Architectural Requests

The Board approved the request for 57 N. San Marcos to replace windows with double paned windows by Milgard.

5) Old Business

a) The Association as a community, has been using between 67-70 gallons per person, way below scale. The recent rains have allowed SAV to stop irrigating lawns and shrubs.

b) The Board has not received a response from our negotiations with Mr. Estrada regarding his awning.

6) Old Business

The Board took under consideration proposed changes to the Covenants Conditions and Restrictions of san Antonio Village:

1) Short term rentals/The Board voted to amend the CC&R’s
to a minimum rental period of 3 months.

2) Regarding insurance: currently in the event of catastrophic damages
to a unit, the owner could take the insurance proceeds and not use them for the reconstruction of the unit. We want to make it mandatory that insurance funds my be used for reconstruction. This is particularly important as we are a PUD, not a condo.

To approve the changes to the CC&R’s, it requires 75% of the owners to approve any changes. This is almost impossible to achieve. Karel told us that our attorney Jim Smith says now there is a new provision of the Civil Code providing that if an Association makes good faith efforts to change the C, C, and R’s., even if you cannot get the 75% approval from owners, you can petition the courts to approve the changes, which then would be binding on all Owners.

The Board decided to table any action on the proposed changes to the CC& R’s. The Board agreed that the current draft with proposed changes will be distributed to all homeowners for their review.
At the February meeting, the Board will again review the proposed changes. The Board will open the meeting for a discussion and to any questions from homeowners.

The Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P. M.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols, Secretary pro tem