150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting April 15, 2015


The Meeting was called to order at 7PM by President, Dawn Lucien. In attendance were: Bettina Johnson, Treasurer; Lynn Nichols, Secretary, Peter Sturken, Vice-President, and Joel Ross, Member


Treasurer•s report from Bettina Johnson

Tonight•s end of March report covers 3/4 of San Antonio Village•s 2014-2015 fiscal year.

Our Total Income of $491,596 is 101% of expectations because of an insurance rebate from last year and the sale of one of our trucks. Our Total Expenses of $540,805 are 98% of our projections which is excellent considering the recent accomplishment of our substantial Capital Maintenance project to repair and paint residential and recreational building trim as well as all carports.

Categories in which we have so far spent less than projected include:
• Administration:
610 General Liability – $8,040
660 Professional fees – $2,014 (will increase because of CC & R work)
• Grounds/Landscaping:
401 Grounds-Materials – $3,402
403 Salaries-Grounds – $3,930 (due to recent Workman•s Comp case)
• Utilities:
• 504 Water – $6,434 (FY bumped up due to drought, but usage temporarily down due to Spring rains.

We had projected $64,415 in Operating Budget debit spending which at the end of the year will be covered from our Capital Fund: but at present we•re down only $49,209 which is 76% of projections, with three months left in the fiscal year.

We saved money by purchasing our paint at a deep discount but considerable funds were saved by hiring a highly skilled professional painting crew, which means Manager de Veer and Supervisor Hodgson acted as our on-site •contractors•, coordinating quick paced financial and operational logistics, effectively minimizing resident inconvenience.

We do not need to increase Association fees this year, which completes the 3rd final year at $355.00. The wild card for the future, per Karel, is the water situation. The Board accepted the budget for next year as presented by Karel.


The Board approved the request at 5134 A to replace windows. Karel
agreed to oversee the project.


We will mail out the ballot for the changes in the C, C & R’s in accordance with the
requirements of the California Civil Code, 35-42 days before the elections. We will formalize the elections which will be monitored by the League of Women Voters.
Ballots will be opened and counted during the June 17th Board meeting.

The results will depend on the response. The majority of people we expect to vote. Karel will work with absentee owners. And the Board can contact the residents who have not returned their ballots.

Dawn moved that we use the Civil Code instructions to send ballots to owners, seconded by Peter and approved by the Board.


An owner complained about the use of jumper houses for birthday parties at the recreation room. The noise is really loud for residents near the rec room. In addition to the children’s’ noise the inflating fans run all the time. The Board agreed that we would no longer allow the use of these jumpers and we would insert that prohibition in the rules given to residents using the room.

The owners of 1A want their perimeter fence raised for privacy issues. The Board agreed to inspect and discuss at the May meeting.

We also talked with an owner concerned about the parking situation. We informed him that our policy for allotting owner two spaces is based on seniority. Also, per the Civil Code we cannot discriminate between owners and tenants.

The meeting was adjoined at 7:45PM.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols, Secretary