150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting October 17, 2015


The Meeting began at 7:15 P. M. Board Officers Dawn Lucian, Peter Sturken, Bettina Johnson and Lynn Nichols were in attendance.

The Minutes for September were approved.

Bettina Johnson gave the Treasurer’s Report:
This evening being the first meeting of SAV’s new fiscal year my report will cover where we stand in terms of our Long Term Capital Replacement Plan. In May when our FY Operating Budget was compiled, the information included the FY 2015-16 Association fee, which remained at $355, and an updated Cash Flow Analysis.

In terms of bigger projects:
• The Trim Painting Project which is done every 7-8 years, started later than anticipated and was completed and paid for early – entirely within FY 2014-15,
• The Street Sealing of all three Sections which is done every three years has already been completed,
• The ’87 Ford van #2 has already been replaced.

This leaves small pool maintenance items left to accomplish: updating pool filters, pool/spa/wading pumps, furniture; and deck recoating.

This all means we’re generally in good shape in anticipation of a (hopefully) wet and stormy winter.

The unpredictable budget item is how long we will be required to pay the 25% usage surcharge for water. At this time we have spent $27,761 for three months, which is 103% of our present drought based estimates. Even a strong El Nino will likely not completely replenish regional (underground) aquifers and the whole year will be affected by how much of a snow pack is dropped on the Sierras.

Our new three-year Reserve Study will be done this coming January 2016 so we can evaluate by how much to increase our monthly fee.

ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE for Unit 5070B request to install a black metal railing on front steps was approved.

OLD BUSINESS: The Board and members discussed the installation of a surveillance system for monitoring the pool area. Karel had obtained a bid from ADT at our request for installing two cameras: one facing the pool; the other pointing to the gate and parking area in front of the Club House.

It was decided that we should try the system for one year. The main purpose is to have a record should someone be injured in the poolarea. We will post notification that there is a surveillance system.

Dawn moved that we try it for one year; and the Board unanimously approved the bid from ADT.

NEW BUSINESS: We discussed with Karel our readiness for predicted El Nino rains this winter and possible flooding. Karel said we have done well with drainage always and he feels that we will be fine and don’t need additional preparation. We have roofers coming in December to repair the Club House roofing.

POOL NEWS: We agreed to continue to heat the pool until November 1st. The solar heating panels on the roof of the Club House will be removed for the roofing job and reinstalled correctly after the roof work is completed.

HOLIDAY PARTY: We will discuss plans in November for the party which will be held one of the first two Fridays in December.

MORE OLD BUSINESS: We discussed with the owner of Unit 1A the addition to the current fence of additional height for screening. We asked him to discuss with his neighbors to be sure they are all in agreement and consistent with their installations. We informed him we had approved their adding to the fence and will discuss again once the owners are in agreement.

The Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.


Lynn Nichols, Secretary