150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting November 18, 2015


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Joel Naftali. Bettina Johnson and Lynn Nichols were also present.

Bettina presented the Treasurer’s Report:

Our Total Income at $215,856 or 99.5% and Total Expenses at $198,632 or 83.7 % are as anticipated.

Administrative Expenses – 610 General Liability (insurance): is waiting for a new annual premium figure due in February.

Capital Fund – 705 Capital Maintenance: work has been completed to repair Recreation building’s roof leaks which required removal and replacement of solar panels.

Grounds/Landscaping – 401 Grounds Materials: drought replacement landscaping clearing and replanting work has begun and is ongoing.

Maintenance – 465 Repairs/Maintenance Materials: pool maintenance work pending

Utilities – 504 Water: spending should be reduced as El Nino brings rain to our area.

Old Business:

1) Video surveillance has been installed; one camera looks over the pool and one looks at the corridor between the buildings. Karel will get a sign for notification to people that there is surveillance now.

2) Rec room roof replacement schedule: work on the roof is scheduled to start the Monday after Thanksgiving. It will take about a week or so; the rec room will be closed during that period.

New Business:

1) The landscaping crew we will be putting in ground cover to replace some of the grassy areas, with an emphasis on drought tolerance.

2) The Association has received bill from Anderson Plumbing. In the course of replacing a damaged water line one of Anderson’s employees struck and damaged a gas line resulting in $1,500 in damages. Anderson’s position is that the Association is liable for the repairs because they were not alerted to the location of the gas line in proximity to the water line. The Board instructed the manager to further research the issue and report back to the Board.

3) The Board scheduled the Christmas party for December 11, 2015

4) The Board decided not to have a meeting in December.

The Meeting was adjourned at 7:20PM.


Lynn Nichols, Secretary