150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, June 15, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 7PM by Dawn Lucian, President. Also in attendance were: Peter Sturken, Vice-President and Bettina Johnson, Treasurer.

Bettina reported that the penultimate statement of the San Antonio Village fiscal year
2015-16 shows us to be in excellent financial shape. Our Total Income after 11 months stands at $592,200 or 99.5%, with the final figures of interest income of about $3,500 on our CDs to be·included in the next statement.

• Administrative expenses: 610 General Liability – shows us at $8,923 under budget projections because State Farm’s annual premium increase was 3-4 months later than expected, a considerable savings to us, especially since we increased our coverage in all categories and considerably in the Building Ordinance category which the manager will speak to more specifically.

• Grounds/Landscaping: 401 Materials – shows us at $11,392 under budget but a lot of this balance will be paid to Mesa Tree who came in today and costs $1,500-$2,000 per day.

• Grounds/Landscaping: 403 Salaries – shows us at $6,638 under budget due to Gennaro’s continuing recuperation absence. We did hire Kent temporarily and he did a fine job on several small projects especially some hard pruning of ornamental pear trees which had contracted a virus which was resistant to sprayed treatments.

• Maintenance: 471 Pest Control – shows us at $4,992 under budget but two recent termite tentings have yet to be deducted and a third may take place before the end of the month. Tentings range in cost from $1,800 to about $2,000 each depending on the size of the buildings and whether the proximate carport is included.

At the end of May SAV Total Expenses of $531,836 were 93.5% of projections and though this number will be raised somewhat by the expenditures described above, we will have a considerable balance to contribute to our Capital Fund.

The manger reported that as of May 1st, of the year, the overall total building coverage for San Antonio Village has been raised from $50,704,160 to $60,900,000. The additional premium cost was included in the budget that was approved by the Board in March of this year.

• The Board approved an architectural change request from the owner of 23-B North San Marcos Rd. to replace the windows and slider in the unit.

• The Board approved an architectural change request from the owner of 25-A North San Marcos Rd. to replace the windows and slider in the unit.

• The Board approved an architectural change request from the owner of 5078-A Calle Real to install a new front door.

• The Board approved an architectural change request from the owner of 5110-A Calle Real to install a new front door.

The Board took under consideration a request from the owner of 5080-B Calle Real to house bees on the common ground. The Board denied the request. The Board next took under consideration whether the Association had the right to restrict such activity on the owner’s property. The Board directed the Manager to get a legal opinion on the question.

The manager reported that the Association was supplying owners with test kits to check toilet water leaks. In cases where leaks where found, Tim has made repairs. Overall water conservation figures for the Association remain positive.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.
Submitted by Karel de Veer, Manager