150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, September 16, 2015



1) Dawn Lucian, Bettina Johnson, Joel Naftali and Lynn Nichols were in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30.

2) The Board presented a gift to Karel in recognition of his 40 years of service as our Manager. The Board praised and thanked Karel for his wonderful commitment to the Association.

3) President’s report by Dawn Lucian, President

Our main project for the year was repairing and repainting all the wood on our buildings. Tim oversaw all these projects and the work was done well and at a great savings to the Association. By the time it is finished it will have cost about $130,000.00.

Our fees with Goleta Water District went up by $15.00/unit. We can absorb the fees this year, but will need to accommodate it when fees go up in 2016. We continue to do a good job at water conservation.

Dawn expressed our appreciation of members coming to the Board with complaints, compliments and suggestions for our consideration

We were able to amend the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to contain the following provisions:

a) limiting short term vacation rentals to a minimum of 30 days;
b) decreasing the percentage of members needed to approve changes in the C, C & R’s (60%); and
c) In the event of any destruction of units, owners now are required to use any insurance proceeds to rebuild.

4) Treasurer’s report by Bettina Johnson
Bettina has worked hard with Karel to understand the budget and be able to monitor it.

We are on track with our 30 year plan. We took in $655,000 income for the fiscal year; we are $26,000.00 under budget and ended up spending $12,000.00 over budget on repairs because
of the spending for painting and repair as Dawn reported.

5) Karel reported: Everything is in good shape.
Landscaping will begin this winter and spring to replace lawns with ground cover.
We are going to reroof the rec room and put on new solar panels. (Last roof was in 1995)

6) Voting for the Board was announced and the current board was reelected.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols