150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, October 19, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM. In attendance were: Peter Sturken (who presided), Bettina Johnson and Joel Naftali.

The Minutes for July’s meeting were approved

Financial Report: The treasurer reported that is nothing of significance to report. Bettina reported that our Total Income is at 99.7% or $182,536 and Total Expenses at 91.7% or $138,393 which are normal for this time of our fiscal year due to the seasonality of some spending.

For example, under Administrative expenses 660 – Professional Fees We’ve “already” spent $4,107 on CPA services to tie up loose ends and close our books on FY 2015-16 and under Utilities 504 – Water our spending of $34 184 is over our $30,000 budget because if we get much or any rain, it’s usually doesn’t come until after the beginning of the new year.

The manager reported that the Association has continued to send notices to residents in cul de sacs that had not decreased water use to meet the Goleta Water guidelines.

Rec Room Use: Request to use the rec room for an exercise class. Request was tabled.

It was suggested we might set up a Recurring payment plan: Setting up a homeowner’s payment program via website, which can take credit cards. Add convenience, but costs a processing fee. Karel will mention the idea in a newsletter to see if there’s any feedback.

Tim has notified us he is retiring in March. Good for Tim! Very Sad for the Village! He has been a dedicated, industrious asset for us and deserves our thanks for his contribution to the well being of San Antonio Village.

Submitted by
Lynn Nichols, Secretary