150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, January 18, 2017


The January 18, 2017 meeting of the San Antonio Village Board of Directors began at 7:00pm with 
Dawn Lucian presiding_ In attendance were Lynn Nichols, Bettina Johnson and Peter Sturken in 
attendance. The Minutes for November were approved.

Treasurer Bettina Johnson reported that our Total Income is at 99.4 or $364,230 and Total Expenses 
are at 93.9 or $298, 325 which are normal numbers for this time of year: we’re in our usual good 
financial condition.

Administration Expenses: 665 – Legal Fees are slightly high due to a special document preparation we 
needed, and our supportive intervention between an owner and renter in order to finally get the unit 
tented for termites, which has now been accomplished.

Capital Fund: 705 – Capital Maintenance work on the pool plumbing reported on last month was actually 
only the beginning of a much larger pool system plumbing update project. The history is that when our 
pool construction was originally completed it was below County code flow/turnover rate requirements, and 
was and has been grandfathered in ever since. Last month we began a substantial update of our overall 
pool plumbing to increase efficiency with new and improved equipment, and at the same time we will 
finally bring the flow rate up to current standards.

Additionally the solar heating plumbing portion of the pool water supply will be split off to operate 
and be maintained separate from the pool system, which will also increase flow rate.

The substantial pool plumbing work will be accomplished and then inspected by the County in 
phases. Due to County scheduling, the timing of the work and related billing will be somewhat 
unpredictable (1-4 weeks wait), but we intend to have all the work completed on time to open the 
pool for use by residents in March as usual.

The February budget report will move related project charges from the Maintenance to the Capital 
Fund category_

The Board discussed the landscaping currently going on. The work in the first cul de sac of Section I 
has been completed and now the project will move to Section 3.

The Board decided that the Association owned unit will be rented after Tim moves out, as Kent will not be 
using it. The Manager said the unit needs some work including new carpets in the upstairs bedrooms and painting of the entire unit. Bettina agreed to patrol the pool when Tim is gone because of her proximity to the pool and her extra sharp hearing.

We will put in the March letter to Owners that Tim is retiring, to notify the owners. The Board agreed to a 
Thank You lunch for Tim before he leaves us. We will invite Kent to the March meeting to discuss his 
work with us.

The manager reported that the high rainfall totals this season after three years of drought have produced 
a higher than normal number of problems with leaking roofs. One unit has chronic leaks that may require 
a new roof.

The wall in Area 3 which had been damaged is in the process of repair. We are going to look into 
upgrading the entrance lighting.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols.