150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, February 15, 2017


San Antonio Village Homeowner’s Minutes for February 15, 2017 Meeting Dawn Lucian, presided. Lynn Nichols and Peter Sturken were in attendance, Meeting was called to order at 7PM by Dawn Lucian. The manager, Karel deVeer, presented Bettina Johnson’s Treasurer’s Report:

Our Total Income is $428,005. or 100%, and Total Expenses $350,067. or 92 %, which of course is excellent and right on target at the end of seven months of our 2016-17 fiscal year

Administration expenses: 631 – Holiday expense is the final/total cost of our SAV Holiday Party including purchased and catered food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, dessert, decorations, and Board members’ annual See’s Chocolate Gift Certificate.

Capital Fund: 705 – Capital Maintenance includes our drought tolerant landscaping replacement project, and the ongoing pool solar and general plumbing upgrade with related costs moved over from Grounds/Landscaping 400-406 and Maintenance: 450-480.

Grounds/Landscaping: 403 – Salary expenses are “high” partly because of Genaro’s timely return: and partly because Kent is on board gaining invaluable hands-on experience working with Tim, performing an increasing number of tasks independently.

Utilities: 504 – Water expenses are normalizing due to 9 inches of rain in January and 3.5 inches so far in February – with more on the way towards the end of this week. This means Goleta like Santa Barbara County has received 150% of normal for the rain year which starts in September. In the past we have turned landscaping irrigation off for six months from the end of October to the end of April, and this year it looks like we’ll be able to shut done for 4-5 months. Lower usage costs may offset some higher salary costs. Big Hooray!

Landscaping: The gardeners are working on Section 3 now; and then will come back to Section 2. We have a pest control company working on exterminating gophers which have been destroying the cotoneaster (ground cover) as well as the lawns. We will also be using gopher cages, too.

Electrical contractor is replacing some electrical lines along the fences. Another project coming up will be each owner checking their lines. Karel will bring this issue to the board within the next month or so.

The Board also discussed updating the lighting at the gates replacing globes and also adding some lighting on the paths. Karel is working on estimates.

Architectural Change Request for 5060 B Calle Real. Owners want to add a wrought iron railing consistent with other railings already installed. We suggested a black matte finish.

An owner suggested that we spruce up the recreation room. The sliding doors are no longer working. Chairs need to be replaced. We agreed to discuss it more at the next meeting. Another owner called our attention to recent tagging on the perimeter fence.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols, Secretary