150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, May 17, 2017


The meeting of the San Antonio Village Board of Directors was called to order at 7:00PM. Dawn Lucian presided. Joel Ross, Bettina Johnson and Lynn Nichols were in attendance.

The Minutes for the April meeting were approved.

Bettina Johnson gave her Treasurer’s Report:

At the end of April, the tenth month of our SAV fiscal year, Total Income is at 99.8% or $609, 075.Total Expense at 95.4% or $525,175. We have met operational goals and accomplished capital maintenance projects. We have also already met and exceeded this year’s funding target contribution to our Capital Maintenance Fund, and have a considerable balance beyond this target due to circumstances described in previous reports. There is nothing else of consequence to report at this time.

The Manager added that we have having more fumigations this year, probably because of the rain.

Architectural Changes:

21 A North San Marcos wants to replace front door. Approved.
51 A North San Marcos wants to replace all windows. Approved.

Outdoor Lighting Discussion:

The exterior lighting has not been replaced or updated for 42 years and the Board agreed
we should allocate funds to this project. The Board picked some samples for the posts’ lighting. The Manager will order and install so we can start to pick what we want. We are also looking to replace lights in carports…again we will have some samples to choose from.

Recreation Room Updating

The Board discussed painting the ceiling, replacing closet doors, replacing stove..

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20PM

Submitted by:

Lynn Nichols, Secretary