150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, March 21, 2018


The Meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian, President. Bettina Johnson and Peter Sturken were in attendance. Bettina gave the Financial report.

Treasurer’s report, Bettina Johnson

At the end of January 2018 our Total Income stands at 99.9% of our annual budget estimate or $426,761, our Rental Income at $21,000, Total Expenses at 97.2% or $368,599, and Rental Expenses. Our current Net Income is at 117% or $79,162 which is $10,051 over our FY budget estimate.

The manger reported that the capital landscaping project was about 75% completed. The current phase of the project will see a dozen or more areas converted from lawn to draught resistant plants and scrubs with drip irrigation. The manager noted that the credit for the success of project was mainly due to the resourcefulness and hard work of Kent Harris.

The manager reported that the remodel of the recreation room kitchen and closet storage area had been completed. The office has received strong positive feedback and compliments about the changes. The manager said that the next phase of the rec room remodel would be to replace the flooring. Dawn said that she had some recommendations.

The manager also recommended that the Board take under consideration the remodeling of the space now occupied by the men’s and ladies shower and sauna facilities. He reported the use of the area in its current configuration by residents was minimal and that the space could be better utilized in other ways, perhaps as an exercise space. The Board directed the manager to research various options for the space. It was agreed that it was important to collect input from as many owners as possible to better understand what would best serve the community.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40.

Submitted by Karel de Veer, Manager