150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, May 16, 2018


Dawn Lucian, Bettina Johnson, Lynn Nichols and Peter Sturken were in attendance. Meeting began at 7:00PM

1) BOARD NEWS: Joel Naftali has resigned from the Board. We thank him for his service to the Board. The Board voted unanimously for Michael Porter to join the Board. Michael has a background in business management and has shown great interest in the Board by attending almost all Board meetings though the years and contributing his input. We are very happy to have him join us. Karel informed us a past President who served on the Board for many years, Don Borden, had passed away recently.

2) Treasurer’s Report: Bettina Johnson

April 2018 is the 10th month of our SAV 2017-18 fiscal year and we continue to be in good financial shape.

Our Total Income to date is at 99.7% or $608, 530 plus $30,000 of Rental Income. Total Expenses are at 94.9% or 533,576 and we spent $639 to buy a new clothes washer for our rental unit.

This means our Net Income, which we use to maintain our Capital Fund, is presently at 133% or $104,315.

Capital Fund:
Total 706 – Rec Room Remodel – documents in writing in our budget the final costs I presented at last month’s Board meeting, plus other costs.

401 – Grounds-Materials – the 142% over budget figure finally reflects the receipt and payment of a 10 month old bill from Mesa Tree, who otherwise does a fine job of tree pruning, just not billing…

504 – Water – the relatively considerable March rains which saved on our average $12,000 per month water bill, also left a substantial Sierra snowpack which is presently at 93%. This will affect the Goleta Valley Water District’s ability to buy water during late Summer and early Fall months. This fiscal year SAV will spend approximately $140,000 for residential, landscaping and pool facilities, which will include a 33% or approx. $47,000 surcharge. Much thanks to our Grounds and Landscaping staff for their considerable and well designed efforts to replace many small areas with beautifully blooming drought resistant plantings, drip water systems.

3) Architectural Change: Board approved new door installation at 65N. San Marcos Rd.

4) Discussion of new uses for sauna/bathroom/changing room area: Karel continues to try to find an architect to give us some ideas about other uses for the sauna/bathroom/changing room area. He has found that we need to have two showers because of the community pool. Tim is interested in doing the contracting. Is there enough space to make it worthwhile? Indoor showers? Could we have one inside; one outside? Pricing? Permits? How many toilets do we need?

5) Discussion of continuing to update Rec Room. New flooring: maybe tile or wood to replace carpeting. Tile (dummy bid): remove flooring $3800.00; $14,000.00 for materials. Laminate (dummy bid) $11,750.00. Concerns about the noise level with tile. Karel to get another bid. We decided against carpeting.

6) Lighting: we will replace all globes in the rest of the Association with the new lighting.

7) Flood Control and Parks and Recreation will complete clearing the back road and creek, in the fall when birds are through nesting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols, Secretary