150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, October 30, 2019


Dawn Lucian (President), Mike Porter (Vice President), Daniel Ortiz (Secretary), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer) and Chad Lindblad (Member at Large) were in attendance. Manager Karel de Veer, Maintenance Supervisor Kent Harris and twelve homeowners were also in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.

1) The Board elected members to the following positions for 2019-20. Dawn Lucian (President), Mike Porter (Vice President), Daniel Ortiz (Secretary), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer) and Chad Lindblad (Member at Large).
2) The minutes from the July 24, 2019 meeting were approved with an additional year end financial summary to be submitted by Bettina Johnson.
3) Financial Report: At the end of September 2019 our total income is $191,874 or 98.5% of our 2019-20 budget projection. Our total expenses are $155,329 or 96.4%. Our other/rental income is $9,000 or 100%. Capital fund expenses are $2,691 or 99.7%.

4) The Board agreed on the type of flooring to be installed in the Recreation Room.

5) Board approval was given to install a trellis on the common ground behind 33-B N. San Marcos Road. Owner will work with Kent Harris regarding location and material.

6) Architectural Change Request: Board approved carport storage units for 67-A N. San Marcos Road and 67-B N. San Marcos Road.

7) The Board denied a request for the owner of 5064-B Calle Real to build a patio in front of the unit. This unit has one of the largest common areas in front of the unit. The Board expressed concerns regarding precedent this would set for other units. The Board directed the owner to work with Kent Harris to develop options which could be approved by the Board.

8) Architectural Change Request: Board approval was given to install a new front door light from the approved light models at 5074-B Calle Real. Board approval was given to widen the entrance steps next to 5074-B Calle Real.

9) Board approval was given to remove three trees in front of 5088-B Calle Real. Owner will work with Kent Harris regarding replacement trees.

10) Motorcycle use and motorcycle parking rules were discussed. The Board agreed to develop a motorcycle parking area in section two. Motorcycle parking in this area will not be required but will be encouraged. Motorcycle parking areas will be developed in section one and section three as required.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 7:00 P.M.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

Submitted by Mike Porter, Acting Secretary