150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, November 20, 2019


Dawn Lucian (President), Mike Porter (Vice President), Daniel Ortiz (Secretary), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer) and Chad Lindblad (Member at Large) were in attendance. Manager Karel de Veer and 4 homeowners were also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.
1) The minutes from the October 30, 2019 meeting were approved along with the October 2019 financial statements (submitted by Bettina Johnson).

2) At the end of the fourth month of our SAV 2019-20 fiscal year our Total Income was $255,920 or 98.5%; our Total Expenses were $202,263 or 95.1% — leaving a Net Ordinary Income of $53,658 or 113.8% of our Capital Reserve target.

Total Other Expenses total $27,666, including $1,393 in rental property taxes. Our current/ongoing Capital Maintenance projects have cost $26,274, including: completing the Rec Room remodel, the drought resistant landscaping project and asphalt project in Section 1.

3) Mike Porter suggested restoring a monthly (or every other month) San Antonio Village newsletter or email – to be disseminated to all homeowners.

4) Homeowner Deborah Ramsdell broached and presented an issue of “Spark Arresters.” Discussion points included, but not limited to: units without spark arresters, county code (Karel is following up with legal) and “would this be an owners’ expense?” Further discussion will be had in future meetings.

5) The Board denied a request for homeowner to procure and place a basketball hoop on community streets/grounds.

6) Item 10 from October 30, 2019 resolution discussed: Motorcycle will remain in parking space under carport owned by homeowner (used by tenant). The vehicle, which used to be parked with motorcycle (in same spot), will now be moved to an HOA owned parking space (to be marked off for private use until tenant moves out). Once tenant vacates, the HOA owned parking space will be remarked for public use.

7) The Board discussed and approved a homeowner and community Holiday party to be held on December 18, 2019 in SAV’s recreation room. Karel will email invitation and call a few homeowners who don’t have email accessibility.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on 1.15.20 at 7:00pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M.

Submitted by Daniel Ortiz, Secretary