150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, January 15, 2020


Dawn Lucian (President), Mike Porter (Vice President), Daniel Ortiz (Secretary), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer) and Chad Lindblad (Member at Large) were in attendance. Manager Karel de Veer, Maintenance Supervisor Kent Harris, 4 homeowners and 1 tenant were also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.
1) The minutes from the November 20, 2019 meeting were approved along with the December 2019 financial statements (submitted by Bettina Johnson).

2) Six months through our SAV 2019-2020 fiscal year our Total Ordinary Income is $383,255 or 98.4%; while our Total Expenses are $304,956 or 97.8%. Our Total Other Income from rental property is $18,000 or 100%; and Total Other Expenses are $1,393 (property taxes). Our net to date is $78,298 — it is important to meet our Capital Fund savings goal as we will start our large roof replacement project in 2-3 years costing about $1,300,000.

3) Kent Harris and team are focusing on planned and anticipatory projects around the village (e.g. clean-up, trimming and replanting) in preparation for Spring/Summer.

4) Revisit/Update: On November 20, 2019, Homeowner Deborah Ramsdell broached and presented an issue of “Spark Arresters.” Karel advised 75%-80% of chimneys do, in fact, have spark arresters. Owners in the 20%-25% will be provided with HOA Board approved options in the near future. Issue will be re-discussed.

5) Architectural Change Request for unit 11A has been tabled to next meeting, or thereafter. Change details include: removal of back patio fence and hedge growth. Growth would impede on/through “common, community owned space.”

6) Architectural Change Request for unit 33A has been approved. Change details include: window and frame replacement to match other tan frames on home.

7) Doorbell cameras were proposed as possible add-ons to homes. HOA Board discussed and agreed to, by vote, to leave this idea/issue to the owners’ discretion.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on 2.19.20 at 7:00pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.

Submitted by Daniel Ortiz, Secretary