150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, May 20, 2020


Dawn Lucian (President), Mike Porter (Vice President), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer) and Chad Lindblad (Member at Large) were in attendance. Manager Daniel Ortiz and 8 homeowners were also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.
1) Due to Daniel Ortiz’s resignation on April 30, 2020 from the Board of Directors, to replace Karel de Veer as Manager, Diane Kirchner was voted in (unanimously) to serve out the remainder of Daniel’s term (Executive session meeting minutes in regard to Daniel’s hiring are on file (March 16,2020)).

2) The minutes from the March 18, 2020 meeting were approved along with the April 2020 financial report/statements.

3) At the end of the tenth month of our SAV fiscal year, our Total Operational Income is $641,449 or 98.8%; and our Total Operational Expenses are $501,771 or 96%. Other/Rental income is $30,000 or 100%; and expenses are $1,964 or 140%. 2020 Reserve Fund budget: $139,678 (Operational Net Income) + $30,000 (Other Income) is $169,678; Expenses are $73,682. Net Operational Income is: $95,996 (Submitted by Bettina Johnson).

4) Bettina Johnson gave an overview of the Reserve funds and big projects coming up (e.g. roofing repair and/or replacement).

5) 2020-2021 annual Budget was approved – along with an acknowledgment that HOA assessments will remain the same through the fiscal year, $420/month.

6) The Board expects proposed water meter and usage fee increases to have little to no impact on 2020-2021 budget. Goleta Water District has proposed, to pass July 1, 2020, an 11% increase on July 1, 2021 and 9% increase from July 1, 2022 through 2024 for all meter and usage fees. Working with Manager Daniel Ortiz, the Board will evaluate possible budget adjustments for next year’s budget.

7) San Antonio Village Rules revisions were approved. Daniel Ortiz will work with the SAV website administrator to make updates accordingly. Daniel will also send out a revised copy of the rules to all owners and their tenants.

8) Daniel Ortiz gave an update about future pool/spa re-opening. He will continue to follow County and State guidelines and will work with the Board of Directors to formulate an operational plan that will secure the safety of all members and users. Pool attendees will also be asked to sign or acknowledge a waiver to release SAV from any COVID-19 related liability or issues.

9) Architectural Change Request 13-B: Owner intends to add central air conditioning to his condominium – unit will be placed on side of condo, pending permit approval from County. The Board approves this request, tentatively (pending approval from County).

10) Architectural Change Request 23-A: Owner asks to expand storage space down to the ground level in his carport. The Board approves this request.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on 6.17.20 at 7:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:39 P.M.
Submitted by Daniel Ortiz, Manager

Addendum to May 20, 2020 Minutes (approved June 17, 2020)

Treasurer’s report (written by Bettina Johnson):

Ordinary Income/Expense Income
302 – Interest Income: SAV holds Reserve Funds in 6 CDs at 6 banks plus a money market account for a total of about $1.25 million dollars. At the end of April the Net Income in our checking account is $95,996. towards a fiscal year Reserve Fund goal of $162,700 which includes capital expenditures like the rec room floor replacement, plus savings. Notably we are saving towards a 2022 composite shingle roof replacement project of $1.3 million dollars plus trim painting estimated at $117,905.
662 Dues and subscriptions – $15. per month subscription for Adobe Acrobat PDF after we upgraded computer system to Windows 10.
401 Grounds Materials – Drought resistance replacement project has for the most part been completed, so most of this balance will go into savings.
470 Pool – Spa pump replacement
471 Pests – there are no termite tentings scheduled before the end of the fiscal year so this balance will also go into savings.
504 Water – We lowered our budget estimate by $20,000 once we stopped paying the considerable drought surcharge just before the end of the last fiscal year – great news that the 91% to date nearly normal county rainfall has kept this expense even lower!!! Yay!