150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, June 17, 2020


Dawn Lucian (President), Mike Porter (Vice President), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer), Chad Lindblad (Member at Large) and Diane Kirchner were in attendance. Manager Daniel Ortiz, 3 homeowners and 1 tenant were also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.

1) The minutes and addendum from the May 20, 2020 meeting were approved, along with the May 2020 financial report/statements.
2) Treasurer’s Report
a. Operational budget
i. Total Income is $705,089 (98.7%) and Total Expense is $549,277 (95.6%); Net Operational/Ordinary Income $155,812
b. Other/Rental Budget
i. Total Income is $33,000 (100%) and Total Expense including taxes and repairs is $1,964 (140%)
c. Capital Expense Budget
i. FY2019-20: $152,000
ii. Total Income $89,519 (70.5%) and Total Expense is $91,483 (71.3%); Net Other Income is 58,483.
d. Net Income is $97,329

e. Income:
i. 305 Rec Room Use Charges – limited by closing due to corona virus pandemic
f. Expenses:
i. 670 – Taxes Federal – $7,500 – Federal tax overpayment from FY2018-19 (credited to FY2019-20)
g. Capital Fund:
i. 706 Rec Room remodel – $12,000 spent on updating the flooring leaving a balance of $13,000 for new furniture.
ii. 710 Capital Maintenance contract – $30,944 balance will be carried over into next fiscal year for seal coating Sections 1, 2 and 3 after summer heat.

3) Manager Daniel Ortiz has been in contact with the County of Santa Barbara in regard to speeding and “No Outlet” signage on Calle Real side of property. County has committed to replacing signs with “Dead End” signage. The State of California has legislation that will effectively hand over jurisdiction of speed limits to the county.

4) Manager Daniel Ortiz presented a form which was requested by our CPA to be signed by the Board President and Secretary. The form is titled Election Under Revenue Ruling 70-604. The form states: “Resolved, that any excess of membership income over membership expenses for the year ended above, as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 277, shall be applied towards the subsequent tax year’s member assessments, as permitted by Revenue Ruling 70-604.”

5) The Board of Directors voted, unanimously, to elect Chad Lindblad Secretary of the Board. Chad will serve out the remainder of Daniel’s term, until the next election.

6) Manager Daniel Ortiz advised that the pool re-opening is going smoothly, administratively and operationally. Due to County guidance sent to pool operators on June 12, 2020, SAV will open their pool to multiple households on June 22, 2020 – all pool re-opening rules and procedures remain in effect. Additionally, the County mandated that all jacuzzi hot tubs remain closed.

7) Architectural Change Request 5074-B: Owner intends to add (2) venting skylights, one over each bedroom and (1) tube skylight in second story bathroom. AJ Skylights will be performing the work with identical/comparable options, to remain consistent with the Village. Board approved this request.

8) Architectural Change Request 5048-B: Owner intends to replace existing windows and patio sliding glass door with Anlin brand white windows. Exterior will be painted “beige/brown” to match other Village windows to maintain consistency. Board approved this request.

9) Architectural Change Request 33-B: Owner intends to move their tuff shed, to the west side of their patio. Board approved this request.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be on 7.15.20 at 7:00 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M.
Submitted by Daniel Ortiz, Manager