150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, November 17, 2021

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association Board of Directors Monthly Meeting of November 17, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00 pm. Other Board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Ken Masuda (Secretary), Mike Porter (Treasurer), and John Carter (Member at Large); also present were Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 5 homeowners.

1. The Board approved the minutes of the October 27 2021 meeting.

2. Mike Porter presented the financial report for the first four months of 2021-22.
Mike reported that Transfer Fees revenues were substantially over budget due to 5 units having been sold during the first third of the year. Savings in Grounds/Landscaping salaries and Grounds-Materials were again noted for the same reasons as last month. In response to a question, the Manager indicated that Legal Fees expenses were substantially higher than budgeted but the reasons could not be disclosed for confidentiality reasons. He also indicated that a substantial portion of these expenses would be reimbursed at a future date.
Following his presentation, the Board approved the July-October financial report.

3. Recreation Room General Use Hours and Rules.
Discussion continued on this agenda item which was continued from the Board’s October meeting. During discussion the Board agreed as follows:
• Recreation Room general use hours would be consistent with pool hours which are 9 am to 9 pm; except that when the room has been reserved, the closing hour is extended to 11 pm.
• If the new key fob entry system for the main Recreation Center entrance is successfully implemented in December, then the new Recreation Room general use hours would be implemented in January, 2022, following installation of key fob entry to the room.
• It was emphasized that, like the pool rules, persons 14 and under must have an adult, that is, someone at least 18 years old, attentively present at all times.
• Approved room reservations would have priority over general room use and reservations would be posted to notify residents of reservation times.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Submitted by Ken Masuda, Secretary