150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, October 27, 2021

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Monthly Meeting of October 27, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00 pm. Present were Dawn Lucian (President), Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Ken Masuda (Secretary), Mike Porter (Treasurer), John Carter (Member at Large), Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 5 homeowners.

1. The Board approved the minutes of the July 21, 2021 meeting.

2. Mike Porter presented the financial report for the first quarter of 2021-22.
He reported that Grounds/Landscaping salaries were below budget by $5,354 due to a staff vacancy. Grounds-Materials were below budget by $5,799 however this was due to budgeting expenditures on a straight-line basis when, in fact, expenditures like this have a more seasonal variation. He also indicated that both Federal and State (Franchise Tax Board) payments (Federal under budget by $8,000 and State by $4000) should have been made during this period.
Following his presentation, the Board approved the July-September financial report.

3. The Manager reported that the key fob system for the Recreation Center, tentatively scheduled to be implemented on November 1, has been delayed because the locksmith has not yet received the necessary materials.

4. The Board formally approved the officer nominations for 2021-2022. These are: Dawn Lucian (President), Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Ken Masuda (Secretary), Mike Porter (Treasurer), and John Carter (Member at Large).

5. The Board approved the Architectural Change Request from Zile Dumpis and Diana Zakis for new windows and a sliding glass door at 5056-B Calle Real.

6. Ken Masuda introduced the Recreation Room Use agenda item. Extensive discussion followed regarding further opening of the Rec. Room, perhaps a trial run, how to enforce the rules, and lack of parental supervision of their children. It was decided to postpone action until the next meeting.

7. The Board voted 4-1 with Board Member Carter dissenting to continue the rule limiting spa use to persons 12 years and older.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Submitted by Ken Masuda, Secretary