150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, February 16, 2022

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting of February 16, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00 pm. Other Board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Ken Masuda (Secretary), Mike Porter (Treasurer), and John Carter (Member at Large); also present were Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 5 homeowners.

1. The Board approved the minutes of the January 19, 2022 meeting.

2. Mike Porter presented the financial report for the first seven months of 2021-22. He noted that reasons for many of the variances were for the same as discussed in previous months. Following brief discussion, the Board approved the financial report.

3. New Smoking Restrictions.
Following discussion, the Board, on a motion by Mike Porter/second by Diane Kirchner, approved expanding no smoking areas to include all of the SAV common areas.

4. New Spa Rules.
Following discussion, the Board, on a motion by Mike Porter/second by John Carter, approved new spa rules, as amended, to read: “Persons under 5 years of age are prohibited from using the spa/jacuzzi at all times. Persons between 5 years of age and under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a resident adult at all times.”

5. Architectural Change Requests
5082B – Air Conditioning. It was noted that the A/C unit must be located in the owner’s enclosed patio, the request does not need Board approval.

5B – Screen Door. Moved by Dawn Lucian/seconded by Mike and approved.

6. There was extensive discussion regarding converting electric outlets in carports from 120 to 240 volts for the more efficient charging of electric cars.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 pm.

Submitted by Ken Masuda, Secretary