150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, May 25, 2022

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting of May 25, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00 pm. Other Board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Ken Masuda (Secretary), Mike Porter (Treasurer), and John Carter (Member at Large); also present were Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 8 homeowners.

1. The Board approved (Mike Porter/John Carter) the minutes of the April 20, 2022 meeting as amended.

2. Mike Porter presented the financial report for the first ten months of 2021-22. There were no significant variances that had not been previously discussed. In response to a question regarding the $105,370 transferred in under deposits and credits, Mike explained that a CD had matured and the proceeds were temporarily transferred on the SAV checking account prior to a decision on reinvestment. The Board approved the financial report (Mike Porter/ Ken Masuda).

3. Management, Maintenance and Repair:
Manager Daniel Ortiz announced the following: A. the Recreation Room will be made accessible by the fob system; work on the fob system is scheduled for May 26. Following completion of this work, room reservations will be posted so that residents will know when the room has been reserved. These reservations may be shown on the SAV website once that capability is activated. B. The Summer SAV party is scheduled for Saturday, September 10. C. Work will be done soon cleaning sycamore trees of dead limbs.

4. Report from Executive Session
Ken Masuda reported the following: A. The Board continued discussion of use of guest parking spaces by residents that have 3, 4, or more cars, but took no action. B. Dogs owned by residents. The Board proposed adoption of the following policy which will be placed on the June, 2022 agenda for formal adoption:
“Restraint of Dogs. Dogs must be secured by an adequate leash or lead six feet or less in length and under the immediate control of a responsible person, or physically confined on or within the premises of the owner or custodian of the animal.”

5. Election Under Revenue Ruling 70-604. No formal action was taken on this item.

6. Drought Tolerance.
It was discussed that removing additional grass for more drought tolerant landscaping will be moving forward on an incremental basis.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Submitted by Ken Masuda, Secretary