150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Feb. 18, 2009


The February 18, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to
order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Peter
Sturken, Bettina Johnson and Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel de Veer and Tim Hodgson; and
four homeowners.

The minutes for the meeting of January 21, 2009, were approved.

Karel de Veer presented the Financial Report for July to January 2009.  Our spending is at
84.6% and our revenues are at 97.9%. The revenues are down slightly because of interest income,
not assessment fees. Our expenses are on target for this time of year.

We received two architectural change requests for installation of a Solar tube at 5138A and a new
window at 5054B.  Both were approved.

By a unanimous vote, the Board chose the pearl white color for the Recreation/Office building.

Our head gardener position is still open and it will be advertised.

It was noted that a unit at 5084 Calle Real recently sold for $525,000.

The diseased hedges on Calle Real were removed today. The landscape service will come back to
take out the roots.

We did not have any new business.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary