150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Mar. 18, 2009


The March 18, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to
order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Bettina
Johnson, Pat Snyder and Carey Rogers; SAV Manager, Karel de Veer and Tim Hodgson; and
two homeowners.

The minutes for the meeting of February 18, 2009, were approved.

Treasurer Pat Snyder presented the Financial Report for July 2008 to February 2009.  Our
expenses are at 53.7% and our revenues are at 100.4%. Expenses are still on target for this time
of year.

We received two architectural change requests: One for changing the front door at 69B and the
second for redoing the concrete entry at 5086A. Both were approved.

Wendy Branch submitted a request to be assigned a new parking space for her unit at 5080B.  A
space has become available because of the sale of 5084-A by Beth Hendon.  Peter Sturken had
previously requested this space when it became available and he has priority so it was assigned
to him.  His current second space will be assigned to Wendy Branch.

The Reserve Study (Long Term Capital Replacement Plan) for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
2009, was presented to the Board. The Board will take the next month to review the study and it
will be discussed at the April meeting.

Carey Rogers suggested that the association replace the windows in our manager’s unit. It will
save in energy costs, improve the aesthetics and add to the value of the unit.  Motion was made
and carried unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary