150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Dec. 16, 2009


Bettina Johnson called the December 16, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners
Association to order at 7:36pm.  Present were Board Members Lynn Nichols and Carey Rogers;
SAV Manager, Karel de Veer; Tim Hodgson and two homeowners.

The minutes for the meeting of November 18, 2009, were approved.

Manager Karel de Veer gave the financial report for November 2009 and year to date.  For
November, we are 100.4% of budgeted income and 90.8% of expenses.  Year to date income is
at 100.3% and expenses are at 95.2%. The one homeowner who was in foreclosure and
bankruptcy lost his unit.  SAV lost approximately $7,500 in unpaid fees and legal costs. The unit
has already sold at auction and we will not recover any of the loss.

We have not received any architectural change requests for this meeting.

New Business: One homeowner, Veda Zimmerman, asked for discussion on the NextG
Networks Cellular Antenna to be installed at the corner of San Marcos Road and Calle Real.  She
would like the association to take a position opposing the installation.

Karel will request more information on the tower from Eric Whitoff, a homeowner who is
familiar with this technology.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers