150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, October 25, 2017


Dawn Lucian opened the meeting at 6:55 PM.

All Board members were in attendance: Betting Johnson, Treas.; Peter Sturken, VP, Joel Naftali, Member; and Lynn Nichols, Sec’y.

Bettina gave the Treasurer’s Report:

Bettina Johnson’s Treasurer’s report:
At the end of the first quarter of the new 2017-18 fiscal year our Total Income is at 99.8% or $182,860 and our Total Expenses are at 100.9% or $164,211.

Please note the new “Other Income/Expense” category added to the bottom of our statement reflecting 311- Rental Income from the SAV owned condo. At present the rent is $3,000 per month for a quarterly total of $9,000.

Ordinary Income/Expense explanations:
306 – Transfer fee income is at 400% or $1,200 due to ongoing property sales

Administration expenses:
640 – Office Expenses/Supplies and Postage is at 234% or $1754 due to the expenses relating to holding our Annual Association meeting and election of officers. 670 – Taxes-Federal is at 667% or $1,000 because they are paid in advance.

401 – Grounds-Materials is at 195% because Mesa Tre Company’s bill for work done at the end of the last fiscal year finally came in. 406 – Irrigation is at 74% or $1,297 as we have begun sprinkler repair

504 – Water is at 122% or $38,489 in spite of a substantial budget estimate because this area is in a moderate (though not severe) drought status.


We discussed new lighting, again. Decided that we would change light bulbs in the two fixtures we have on the posts, and vote at the next meeting on which to install. For additional lighting, we can do changes over time.

We discussed Kitchen remodel. The Manager reported that a kitchen designer had suggested just removing the cabinets over the sink (as opposed to painting/replacing.
Then we could install new counter tops in quartz, and perhaps barn doors (which are all the rage now) for the long storage cabinets. Karel says he still gets comments on the painting of the ceiling—everyone likes it.


Homeowners from Units 11B and 9B submitted a letter complaining about the activities of a group of children in their cul-de-sac. According to the complaint, the children were playing in the street and also riding skateboards.

The Manager provided a copy of the letter he had sent on behalf of the Association, dated October 10, 2017, reminding the children’s parents of the rules regarding children at play. “Children are not allowed to play in the streets at any time. No bicycles or motor driven vehicles are allowed on the sidewalk or greenbelts of SAV. All such activity will be limited to designated area and sidewalks. Skateboards are not allowed anywhere on SAV property.”

After a long discussion with the complainants and the Board, which included concern for the nuisance and safety of the problem, as well as our understanding that children need a place to play in their neighborhood, the Board tabled this issue until the next Board Meeting.


There have been some awnings installed without permission in a few units. The Board will visit these units and discuss next month these architectural violations.

Submitted by: Lynn Nichols, Secretary