150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, April 19, 2023

Minutes for the San Antonio Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting April 19, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00pm. Other Board Members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Mike Porter (Treasurer), Cindy Capra (Secretary) and Ken Masuda (Member at Large). Also present were Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 9 homeowners.

1. The Minutes for the previous meeting held on March 15, 2023 were approved by Ken Masuda and Mike Porter.

2. Financials:

a. 75% through fiscal year – interest income not booked. Operating expense for admin $187k to budget of $184K – overage is due to project timing.
b. Insurance is over due to increase in General Liability and some increase in workers’ compensation.
c. Grounds landscaping $123k on budget of $118k – more irrigation work than planned. Salaries $1700 more than budgeted to date.
d. Maintenance $79K on $94k budget – under budget due to materials for repairs and maintenance. Salaries under by $3800 – pool under because no chlorine, etc. with renovation.
e. We are trying to get a painter to do some work before end of fiscal year.
f. Utilities under because irrigation, pool and spa were shut down during rain and renovation.
g. Total $508k in expenses on $530K budget – $22,275 under budget.
h. Capital Maintenance: Spent $122K on budget of $153K.
i. Professional Fees are paychex, accountant, CPA and annual reserve study and a bit to Secretary of State.
j. Capital Maintenance: 4 more roofs will be done before end of this fiscal year in next month.
k. Ken Masuda requested a job description for the accountant
l. The reserve for the month was not booked as of the date of this meeting.

Financials were approved (Dawn/Diane)

3. Management:
a. N. San Marcos lots of vehicles, cutting vision off. Daniel asked for a red curb to be longer to help with visibility.
b. Rubberized asphalt idea was presented to alleviate some of the cracks in the sidewalk – the idea is to have the asphalt move with changes in sidewalk. The material is made of recycled tires.
c. Sprinklers will come back on soon.
d. Hollister bridge has been closed for a long time, Daniel in contact with Goleta about expediting opening of the bridge.
e. Pool Heating: Estimate is 5/1 to turn on pool temperature. It is about 67 currently with solar panel power. Karel’s rule was if it’s still 50s at night and 60s during day to wait until it is closer to 60s at night and 70s during day. Daniel will send out an email that pool is being heated.
f. Update on Rec Area Repair of Roof: Contractor first, roof second and then tenting last.

4. Architectural Changes:

5072A Calle Real proposed new lighting fixture and new windows. Changes were approved by board (Dawn/Mike)

53B: new windows, approved vendor, suggest to change window that is fixed to a new slider window. Changes approved by board (Dawn/Ken)

5. Budget Approval Process:

Fiscal year 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 – package will go to owners with new budget and some required disclosure documents that must be sent out by 6/1/2023. HOA fees if changed would be effective 7/1/2023.

Some changes since workshop, overall $493/month. $490 is suggested per the budgeting worksheet
Budget questions: Increase Highlights: $20k ins., salaries $13k; $15k savings in operating expenses, rents coming up and interest income coming up. 5% increase in operating expense reserves.

Dawn would like to keep same
Cindy would like to keep same
Ken would like to keep same
Diane would like to increase HOA dues to move more towards maintenance, etc.
Mike is neutral.

Motion to approve: Cindy moves to second, 3 votes to keep same, 1 vote to increase and 1 vote neutral. Approved to keep monthly fees the same – $490/month per unit for FY 2023-2024

It is a possibility that next year it might go up but again it will be re- evaluated next year.

Respectfully submitted by Cindy R Capra, Secretary