150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, June 21, 2023

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Monthly Meeting June 21, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00pm. Other board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Mike Porter (Treasurer), Cindy Capra (Secretary), and Ken Masuda (Member at Large). Also present were Daniel Ortiz and 2 homeowners.

1. The minutes for the previous meeting held on April 19, 2023 were approved: motioned by Mike Porter and seconded by Diane Kirchner.

2. Financials – April/May 2023
a. Repairs/Maintenance was $6k over budget due to the cost of Rec. Area Entryway Repairs.
b. Water expense for April and May was booked in May 2023.
c. The year to date financials do not include a monthly expense accrual for tax liability.
d. The monthly reserve has not been booked since January 2023. The net income line of $101,089 is overstated by at least $87k due to the reserve not being booked to the financials this year.
e. Daniel will connect with the bookkeeper/accountant and get the reserve booked for 2023 to show a more accurate picture of the net income line.

3. Management Report:
a. Quality Roofing employees just got Covid, consequently the reroof project will not begin until after everyone is better. Project start date should be some time in June – we don’t want them to work on weekends.
b. Daniel is feeling the projected cost of new insulation for homeowners is kind of high. He did research and provided an estimate for an alternative insulation – spray foam in the underside of the roof, closer to $1800 to $3300 / house depending on the R value of the insulation.

4. Architectural Change Requests Review:
a. 5046A Calle Real – Door replacement – Approved
b. 5090A Calle Real – Skylight plan, homeowner still needing to find a contractor. Plan was approved.

5. Ken Masuda made a closing statement as this is his last meeting. San Antonio Village is a 50 year old association; his suggestion was that we do a thorough review of the founding documents. The Board, with the input of the village community, should go through the CCR’s to see if there are any updates or changes that need to be made.

Meeting was Adjourned at 7:28pm